Welcome To Westpoint 

Happy Sabbath

In a world filled with challenges and hardships, remember that God's goodness never changes. He is our light and refuge amid the darkness. Trust in His plan, even when things seem uncertain, and know that His love and grace are constant. 

Nahum 1:7 - "The Lord is good, a refuge in times of trouble. He cares for those who trust in him."

September 14, 2024

Table Talks at 10:00am

Our mission for the church is to be a faith-filled community that values connections and relationships, supports one another, and, most importantly, GLORIFIES GOD. Here at Table Talks we aim to empower one another by creating a healthy environment for leaning and growth, creating a safe space for each individual to interact, listen, and share life experiences in Christ. We seek to discuss questions related to the theme of the lesson and key text with less formality, greater connection, and more authenticity. We aim to keep things simple, which involves reading the Bible and asking open-ended questions. Come and worship with us every Sabbath morning at around 9:30 AM and get to know one another during Table Talks at 10 AM.

Our Sabbath School Offerings are used to fund the Worldwide Mission program, along with a portion of tithe funds, to enable the established work to be maintained.

Worship at 11:00am

Welcome & Announcements

Alvin Tan

Praise & Worship

Bong, Arnold, Roy, Imelda

Side by Side We Stand

Here I Am Lord

Opening Song

Redeemed - Hym #337

Opening Prayer

Pastor Brian Lawty

Tithes & Offerings Denzel Pamplona
Offering this Sabbath:Local Church Budget A donation to this offering supports the ongoing operations and activities of Westpoint Church. (Outreach, church ministries, utilities, maintenance, Sabbath School expenses, worship resources, local church school support, insurance, & more)        

Prayer Band

Robert Maramion

Scripture Reading

Tracy  Lalia
  Revelation 21:1-4

Pastoral Prayer

Tacy Lalia

Special Item  

Markita, Maxine, Bogs 


Pastor Brian Lawty

  Title: Good God, Bad World

Closing Song

  What A Day That Will Be


  Pastor Brian Lawty

✴︎ End of Service ✴︎

Bulletin by: Shine, Zach, & Yanah

2024 Westpoint Calendar
2024 Sabbath Participants
2024 Westpoint Finance